In March 2015, Maxwell Davidson Gallery curated a commemorative exhibition, The Responsive Eye at 50, at The Art Show ADAA 2015 to honour The Museum of Modern Art’s landmark 1965 exhibition The Responsive Eye.
The sixties show comprised works by nearly 100 artists from around the world who were experimenting with Op-art before the term existed, including Optic, Kinetic, Conceptual, and Color Field art. This time around, Maxwell Davidson Gallery presented works by historical artists featured in the 1965 MoMA show, such as Victor Vasarely, Carlos Cruz-Diez, Bridget Riley, Yaacov Agam, and Luis Tomasello, alongside works by contemporary artists who have been influenced by the Op-art movement including Kevin Osmond, Pedro S De Movellan, Mary Ann Unger, Sanford Wurmfeld, Ghost of a Dream, and Sam Messenger.